Implementation of MVCC Transactions for Key-Value Stores

ACID transactions are one of the most widely used software engineering techniques, a cornerstone of  the relational databases, and an integral part of the enterprise middleware where transactions are often offered as the black-box primitives. Notwithstanding all these and many other cases, the old-fashion approach to transactions cannot be maintained in a variety of modern large scale systems and NoSQL storages because of high requirements on performance, data volumes, and availability. In such cases, traditional transactions are not rarely replaced by a customized model that assumes implementation of transactional or semi-transactional operations on the top of units that are not transactional by themselves.

In this post we consider implementation of lock-free transactional operations on the top of  Key-Value storages, although these techniques are generic and can be used in any database-like system. In GridDynamics, we recently used some of these techniques to implement a lightweight nonstandard transactions on the top of Oracle Coherence. In the first section we take a look at two simple approaches that suitable for some important use cases, in the second section we study more generic approach that resembles PostgreSQL’s MVCC implementation.

Atomic Cache Switching, Read Committed Isolation

Let’s start with simple and easy-to-implement techniques that are intended for relatively infrequent updates in read-mostly systems, for instance, daily data reload in eCommerce systems, administrative operations like repair of invalid items, or cache refreshes.

The most trivial case is reload of all data in the cache (or key space). We wrap cache interface by a proxy that intercepts all cache operation like get() or put(). This proxy is backed by two caches, namely, A and B, and works in accordance with the following simple logic (Fig.1):

  • At any moment of time, only one cache is active and proxy routes all user request to it (Fig.1.1)
  • Refresh process load new data into inactive cache (Fig.1.2)
  • Refresh process switches a global flag that shared by all proxies that participate in refresh and this flag defines which cache is active (Fig.1.3). Proxy starts to dispatch all new read transactions to the new active cache.
  • Transactions that are in progress at the moment of cache switching can be handled differently depending on required level of consistency and isolation. If non-repeatable reads are acceptable (some transaction can read data partially from the old state and partially from the new one) then switch is straightforward and old data can be cleaned up immediately. Otherwise, the proxy should maintain a list of active transactions and route each one to the cache it was initially assigned. Old data can be purged only when all attached transaction were committed or aborted.
Fig.1 Cache Switch

The similar technique can be used for partial updates. It can be implemented differently depends on the underlying storage, we consider one simple strategy with three caches. The framework is similar to the previous one, but proxy acts in the following way (Fig.2):

  • User requests are routed to the PRIMARY cache (Fig.2.1)
  • New and updated items are loaded into the NEW cache, keys of deleted items are stored to DELETED cache  (Fig.2.2)
  • Commit process begins with switching of the global flag. This flag instructs the proxies to look up requested keys in NEW and DELETED caches first and, if not found, look up the same key in the PRIMARY cache (Fig.2.3). In other words, all user request are switched to the new data at this step.
  • Commit process starts to propagate changes from NEW and DELETED caches to the PRIMARY cache, i.e. replace/add/remove items in the PRIMARY cache one by one in non-atomic way (Fig.2.4).
  • Finally, the commit process switches the global flag back and requests are routed to the PRIMARY cache (Fig.2.5).
  • Old data can be copied to another cache during step 4 in order to provide rollback possibility. In-progress transactions can be handled as for full refreshes.
Fig.2 Partial Cache Switch

Thus, from the examples above, we can conclude that attachment of read transactions to the snapshot of data and avoiding of interference from the commitment of the update transactions is one of the main sources of complexity. This is obviously a case for write-intensive environments. In the next section we consider very powerful technique that helps to solve gracefully this problem.

MVCC Transactions, Repeatable Reads Isolation

Isolation between transactions can be achieved using versioning of separate items in the Key-Value space. There are different ways to implement this technique, here we discuss an approach that is very similar to how PostgreSQL handles transactions.

As it was said in the previous section, each transaction should be attached to a particular data snapshot which is a set of items in the cache. At the same time, each item has its own life span – from the moment it was added to the cache till the moment it was removed or updated, i.e. replace by a new version. So, isolation can be achieved via marking each item two time stamps, each transaction by its start time, and checking that transaction sees only items that were alive at the moment the transaction began. In practice of course global monotonically increasing counters are usually used instead of time stamps. More formally:

  • When a new transaction is started, it is associated with:
    • Its Transaction ID or XID which is unique for each transaction and grows monotonically.
    • A list of XIDs of all transactions that are currently in-progress.
  • Each item in the cache is marked with two values, xmin and xmax. Values are assigned as follows:
    • When item is created by some transaction, xmin is set to XID of this transaction,  xmax is empty.
    • When item is removed by some transaction, xmin is not changed, xmax is set to XID. The item is not actually removed from the cache, it is merely marked as deleted.
    • When item is updated by some transaction, old version is preserved in the cache, its xmax is set to XID; new version is inserted with xmin=XID and empty xmax. In other words this is equivalent to remove + insert.
  • Item is visible for transaction with XID = txid if the following two statements are true:
    • xmin is a XID of the committed transaction and xmin is less or equal than txid
    • xmax is blank, or XID of the non-committed (aborted or in-progress) transaction, or greater than txid
  • Each xmin and xmax can store two bit flags that indicate wherever transaction aborted or committed in order to perform checks described in the previous point.

This logic is illustrated in the following graphic:

Fig.3 PostgeSQL-like MVCC

The disadvantage of this approach is a quite complex procedure of the obsolete versions removal. Because different transactions will have visibility to a different set items and versions, it is not straightforward to determine a moment when particular version becomes invisible and may be eliminated. There at least two different techniques to do this, the first one is used in PostgreSQL, the second one in the Oracle Database:

  •  All versions are stored in the same key-value space and there is no fixed limit on how many versions may be maintained. Old versions are collected by a background process that is executed continuously, by schedule, or triggered by reads or writes.
  • Primary key-value space stores only the last versions, the previous versions are stored in another fixed size storage. The last versions have references to the previous versions and particular version can be traced back by transactions that require them. Because size of the storage is limited, oldest versions may be eliminated to free space for the “new old” items. If some transaction is not able to find a required version it fails.


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  1. Here is a very detailed paper we wrote on using MVCC to get transactions on Google App Engine; the algorithm is stated in terms of GAE but easily generalizes to other NoSQL / name-value datastores.

    We assume you know nothing about transactions and so motivate, design, and prove everything from scratch. If anyone finds a more elegant proof of Isolation of a distributed transaction, I would like to see it. We also provide details down to the software architecture level, allowing the algorithm to be implemented straightforwardly without having to design the data-structures or pseudocode.

    “Distributed Transactions for Google App Engine: Optimistic Distributed Transactions built upon Local Multi-Version Concurrency Control”:

    Talk at Google I/O 2009:

  2. Ilya,

    Thank you very much for your article. We also found the traditional MVCC approach to be quite complex. In the Java library “MongoMVCC” ( we therefore implemented something like the Git model: first you checkout a specific version of the database, which is essentially a snapshot. You can then add as many documents as you like to the database, but they won’t be visible to other clients as long as you don’t create a commit. Since inserting a document into the database is an atomic operation in MongoDB this works quite well.

    We realized that this model also allows performing transactions: if you want to commit your transaction, create a new “commit” document. If you want to do a rollback, simply don’t commit.

    A nice side effect of this implementation is that you have complete access to your data’s history. You can checkout previous versions at any later time. Apart from that, the Git model also allows creating branches in the database.

    Please let me know what you think.


    1. Michel,

      It sounds interesting, but I have a few questions:
      — Could you please clarify what do mean under “checkout a specific version of the database” – does it mean the receiving of ID or physical copying of the data?
      — How conflicting modifications (two concurrent transactions insert/update the same entity) are resolved?
      — How exactly the commit process is implemented? Is it completely atomic?


      1. Ilya,

        First you have to know that we are using commit documents which essentially contain the IDs of the objects added/updated since the last commit. Checking out a specific version of the database means loading a specific commit. The client will get access to only those documents which are referenced by this commit or any of its ancestors. Since documents are immutable, the client essentially get an isolated snapshot of the database. The client can then add or update documents. The latter is not a real update, it’s rather adding a new immutable document with updated attributes. Everything the client does will not be visible to any other client until a new commit is created referencing the new documents. Creating a commit is an atomic operation since in MongoDB operations on single documents are always atomic.

        Conflict resolution works as follows: after a commit has been created the head of the branch the commit belongs to will be updated (yes, it sounds much like Git!). This is also an atomic operation. If another client has already updated the same branch an exception will be thrown and the first client can then decide what to do. Either create a new branch or resolve the conflict manually and redo the commit.

        I hope that helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. You may also have a look at our wiki:


  3. The last point “Each xmin and xmax can store two bit flags that indicate wherever transaction aborted or committed in order to perform checks described in the previous point.” suppose, i guess, that this operation must be performed atomicaly for all the items of the transcation. Otherwise, some items can appear as “comited” while others appears as “aborted” for the same txid. When such multiple items update cannot be atomic (mongodb) i don’t see any simple way to implement this (tx log ?). Do you ?


    1. Yannick,
      Please take into account that the mentioned bit flags are optional optimization (one can check the transaction state using the shared table) and a kind of cache, i.e. logic can be as follows:
      — Check the flags: if flags show that transaction is committed/aborted then we are done.
      — Otherwise, check the shared table. If the shared table shows that transaction is committed/aborted – update the flags accordingly.

      Did I miss something?

      1. No, you are correct.

        After posting my previous comment, i had a look at PostgreSQL source code and saw what you describe.

        Btw, to take profit of this optimization it implies that you have to make a global (global = includes all modified rows in the transaction) update after commit/rollback to set those flags.

        In my current implementation, flags are set during the commit/rollback process (just after the tx has been “marked” as commited in the commitlog table). It slow down the commit()/rollback() but reduce commitlog table lookup when reading.

        Thanks a lot for your article/answer.


  4. The idea of keeping the transaction ID is very interesting, but requires a global sequence number to be assigned to the transactions, right?

    I don’t know which NoSQL databases have that, but when I think about Windows Azure Storage (the one I’ve been working with more recently), that would be a problem. Actually, that’s a problem with any scalable DB, as it can be a contention point.

    In the Windows Azure Storage, or others that don’t have that on the server side, it’s more of a problem to have this global number as it requires operations to read the number, increment, and then update them. This creates a contention point, and reduces the rate of transactions you can have.

    What are your thoughts on it? Have you tried to implement that on top of a NoSQL DB? Does Oracle Coherence offer an increment operation for this global counter?

    1. Rodrigo,
      In our case, write transactions are very rare, so it is perfectly possible to use a shared object in Coherence (or any other shared record) without any issues with contention. In general, implementation of reliable distributed transactions with snapshot isolation is a challenging task. Google Percolator paper is a good study of this problem, and your question about ID generation is discussed there as well.

      In the NoSQL world, ZooKeeper seems to be the most natural option for sequential IDs generation, but it is also limited from a contention point of view. Finally, I’d like to say that in many cases global multi-item transactions can be and should be avoided by means of careful data modeling, by separating the database into multiple independent shards.

    2. Rodrigo, in principle, you don’t need a global counter for distributed MVCC transactions, the id must be unique, and must provide a time ordering. See Bernstein, Philip A.; Goodman, Nathan (1981). “Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems”. ACM Computing Surveys.

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